Confederate Travelers Chapter #26 of the F.M.R.C.

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Confederate Travelers Chapter #26 of the F.M.R.C.

We are a chapter of the Freemasons Riding Club.  We are the first of two chapters of the FMRC in Mississippi.  The other being the Widow's Sons Chapter #50 of the FMRC located in Biloxi.  The Freemasons Riding Club is open to all Master Masons recognized by their state's Grand Lodge.  Chapter membership is not required, but encouraged.  We conduct ourselves as if we were in the lodge when wearing our shield.  The link to the international web site is  This is the link to go to for membership information.  


Founding Members


Chris "Deacon" Grimes - Corinth, Ms. (Director)

Albert "Lonewolf" Reiner - Corinth, Ms. (Deputy Director)


Lifetime Members

 Wayne Berry - Hattisburg, Ms.

Jonathan "Lucky" Gillentine - Tupelo, Ms.

Keith Letson - Corinth, Ms. (Road Captain)



Our Chapter Patch

The  FMRC  is a riding club for Masters Masons and their wives.  There is also a back patch for the Ladie's Aux. 

Calendar of Events

F.M.R.C. National Rally :  September 04 - 07, 2009 at the HUB in Marble Fall, Ark.

Don't forget to sign the the Guestbook.

Freemasons Riding Club